Now is the perfect opportunity to consider a cleanse after all our COVID-induced eating and drinking. A great way to do this is by supporting the liver in what it needs to do the job well… Flush out the toxins and all that wine guilt at the same time.
So, what is the best way to support the liver? Think GREEN!
Broccoli, Brussels Sprouts, Spinach, Kale, Asparagus, etc… these nutrient dense foods are full of glutathione and sulfur, which are essential compounds for liver detoxification pathways, allowing the organ to do its job well enough to get us feeling vital and alive again.
When you are trying to incorporate these powerhouse greens and if you’re not a fan of the taste then disguising them can often help, like opting for a stir-fry for dinner. You can shred the Kale and the Brussels Sprouts and run a tahini drizzle or sweet soy through, this way you can avoid the bitter aftermath on the palate.
Another incredible trick for stimulating the liver is our friend lemon. The more bitter the better! So, it’s time to get back to that ol’ routine that dropped off last Summer and start each morning with lemon water again. If you are game enough to make it quite bitter, just make sure you drink it through a straw to avoid destroying the precious enamel on those teeth.
We need to also remember that our livers don’t love excessive sugar or fat. So, although ice-cream and flavoured yoghurt is delicious in the warmer weather, it’s unfortunately off the menu! Replacing high fat and high sugar is always a challenge, but in the end, it comes down to diligence and a strong desire to feel optimal. Once we feel optimal it is so much easier to eat well and look after ourselves.
To work on a more in depth detox strategy that is personalised to your needs, simply opt for a longer 90min Naturopathic Consultation or the more specific Detox & Cleanse Focus Add-On with your next Retreat Package stay.
Gaia’s Head Naturopath